Ryde NSW 2112

Ryde buyers agent

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Why Ryde?

Ryde is a suburb of Sydney, NSW, Australia. Ryde is located 13km north-west of the Sydney CBD and 8km east of Parramatta. Ryde is the administrative centre of the local government area of the City of Ryde and part of the Northern Sydney region.


Ryde was named  after the town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight. It may have been adopted from G.M Pope, who came from Ryde on the Isle of Wight who settled in the area and opened the “Ryde Store.”

Transport Links

West Ryde railway station is on the Northern line of the CityRail network. The Ryde Bridge links Ryde south to Rhodes, over the Parramatta River. Buses operate to and from Ryde and into the CBD.


Top Ryde City is a major shopping centre which has a wide selection of shops, cafes and restaurants. There are also some large parks including Santa Rosa Park, Gannan Park and Ryde Park which also have recreation and sporting facilities.

Government schools

Meadowbank Public School
Putney Public School
Ryde Public School
Ryde Secondary College
Smalls Road Public School

Non-Government schools

Holy Cross College
Northcross Christian School
St Charles Catholic Primary School

Daycare Centres

Papilio Early Learning Meadowbank
Macquarie Long Day & Early Learning Centre
Lilypad Early Learning Centre
North Ryde Community Pre-School
Cressy Road Cottages
Goulding Hill Pre-School
Hans & Gretel Kindergarten
Kidz on Porter Child Care Centre
Kindikids Early Learning Centre Ryde
Jessica’s Day Child Care


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